My Immediate Family

A PowerPoint for “La Famille” is attached below. This PowerPoint is one of my favorites, because it showcases relationships between family members using the Jetsons (and I used to LOVE that television show):

Ma Famille

A very cute (and catchy) Youtube video called “la famille tortue,” is excellent to reinforce vocabulary surrounding “la famille.” Some of the vocabulary is a bit advanced, but students can pick out certain words such as: famille, père, mère, enfants, tortue, etc.:

Etienne also presents a variety of family related vocabulary in his song “J’adore ma famille.” The YouTube clip is embedded below:

Attached below is the script, sample puppets for a “La famille” iMovie/ play presentation. I have had some students ask about including pets in their videos as extended family members which has turned out great too. Enjoy :)!:

Ma Famille Script

Another activity that you can have your students complete with their “ma famille” puppets is an “aimer et détester” ComicLife. For my examplar below, I came up with one thing that each of my immediate family members like and one thing that they do not like. Students can translate the things that their family likes/do not like using Google Translate (link is copied below). I then took a photo of each puppet and inserted my images into the respective boxes. I only used my three immediate family members. However, students can include more family members like: other sisters and brothers, pets and grand-parents:

Attached below is a PowerPoint for a topic that most students  love, “les animaux” (animals) :D. The presentation contains vocabulary for twelve different household pets:

Les Animaux Domestiques

Below is a Youtube clip by Alain le Lait about three animals (fish, birds and rabbits) that is very amusing for students learning about “les animaux:”

For the following activity, students design, label and name an imaginary animal using the vocabulary from the previous PowerPoint presentation. Students often appear to greatly enjoy this activity and many of the animals that I have seen in the past have shown a great deal of creativity and imagination. Directions: Students draw and decorate their animals choosing at least five different animal parts. Students label their animals with the following body parts: Tête, oreilles, yeux, nez, bouche, corps, pieds (or jambes), main (or bras) and queue. Nageoire (fins) and ailes (wings) are optional features your students can include when designing their animals. They then write the corresponding animals for each body part (for example: oreilles- lapin). The last step is to name the animal. I LOVE seeing what the students come up with for their animals :)!:

Upon completion of the imaginary animal activity, or as an extension of learning, students can create a Blabberize image to talk about the different parts of their animals. Students will need to create an account, but sign-up is easy. Just remember to instruct students to select the private setting when signing up (or else their Blabberize will be searchable on the web).