Four Holidays and Celebrations

A fantastic activity to review “les fêtes et célébrations” from Grade Four is to hold QR Code Scavenger Hunt. In groups, students search out QR codes that are randomly placed around the classroom or school. Using a scanning app on the iPad (Scan is the App that I use), students scan each QR code and a picture for a holiday will appear. Students then write the name of the holiday in French on their scavenger hunt activity page. There are twelve QR codes with holidays and celebrations. Posted below are the QR codes, answer key and student handout that I created:

QR Codes for Scavenger Hunt

QR Code Answer Key

QR Code Scavenger Hunt Handout

* Note: The Holiday and Celebrations PowerPoint is located in the Grade Four section and can be accessed by clicking here. *

Associating colours with holidays is another topic of focus this unit. A fun way to practice this concept is through having students write the names of colours and the corresponding holidays on strips of construction paper to make a French vocabulary chain. The chains can be hung on students desks, or linked together to create a giant word chain that can be strung across the classroom.

I created my chain using the following holidays and celebrations:

La fête de la Saint Valentin
La fête de la Saint-Patrick
Jour de Canada
La fête de l’action de grâces